How Long Does It Take For Gum Disease To Go Away

How long does it take gum disease to go away?

How long gum disease takes to go away depends on whether you have gingivitis or periodontitis, a more advanced form of the disease. 

Gingivitis can be reversed in about 2 weeks. The time it takes to stop the progression of periodontitis depends on how advanced the disease is and if you need any professional gum health treatments. 

The good news is that you can do much of the work to cure gum diseases at home without a dentist

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Treatment Time To Reverse Gingivitis

Gingivitis is triggered by plaque bacteria which builds up on the teeth and along the gumline. If you effectively disrupt the plaque twice a day you will see a dramatic improvement in your gums. Usually within 2 to 3 weeks. Your gum disease will go away very quickly.

Time To Treat Periodontitis

Periodontitis takes a little bit longer to treat. Periodontitis cannot be reversed but it can be prevented from getting any worse. The length of time it takes to treat depends on how advanced it is. 

Disrupting plaque along the gumline and within deep periodontal pockets will help treat periodontitis. In some cases, you may need advanced gum health treatments or even surgery to halt disease progression.

It may take 3 months or longer to get periodontitis under control. 

How Do You Know Your Gum Disease Is Cured

You know your gum disease has been cured or is under control when periodontal pockets shrink, your gums return to their normal pink color (if you have darker skin, your gum’s natural color may also be darker) and are firm in texture. The bleeding will stop and your gums will no longer be red, inflamed and swollen. 

Treat Gum Disease As Quick As Possible

It’s best to start treating gum disease as soon as possible, ideally the minute you spot the symptoms. The disease can progress quickly so the sooner you make a start the better. 

You can do a lot of the treatment yourself at home, however a trip to the dental office is recommended as it’s hard to remove tartar (calcified plaque) from the teeth and under the gumline without professional help. In advanced cases, you may need surgery to remove plaque from the tooth roots. 

How To Prevent And Cure Gum Diseases Quickly.

To treat gum disease quickly, you must develop and maintain a daily self-care routine where you effectively but gently disrupt the plaque. Don’t worry this isn’t difficult. It involves 

  • Brushing the teeth twice a day for 2 minutes – ensure you do all the surfaces. If you struggle to reach the back teeth try closing your lips around your toothbrush or using a child toothbrush in that area
  • Ideally, use an electric toothbrush as they have been proven to be more effective at removing plaque than manual brushes
  • If you use a manual brush you can improve your technique – take a look at this post on how to clean your gums
  • Use interdental brushes, floss or a single tufted toothbrush to clean between the teeth
  • Commit to a daily self-care routine. Gingivitis can quickly return if plaque isn’t removed twice a day.

Home Remedies For Treating Gum Disease Quickly At Home

Good oral hygiene,  daily brushing and cleaning the interdental spaces is the key to treating gum disease. Those with deep periodontal pockets will benefit from using the revolutionary gum pocket brush, used by many of our clients to effectively disrupt plaque from the periodontal pockets and heal gum disease.  

You can find more advice on treating gum disease at home over on our home page.

What Can Affect How Fast The Gums Heal

Gingivitis is triggered by oral bacteria, but things like smoking, genetics, diabetes and other factors can make some people more susceptible to gingivitis. These same factors can also make it harder to treat gingivitis it periodontitis. 

Other things that can affect how quickly they heal include

  • The severity of your gum disease.
  • If you need to have advanced gum health treatments to clean the tooth roots or bone grafting
  • If you maintain daily self-care which is first class – if you start forgetting to clean or skip that cleaning at bedtime because you just want to fall into bed, it’s going to take longer to treat them

Will A Dental Chek-Up Speed Up The Treatment Time?

Regular dental check-ups are always recommended if you find that your gums are bleeding. It’s always best to confirm the underlying cause. Gum disease can be treated at home, in fact, the majority of the treatment and prevention is carried out by you at home. Treatments in the dental office are needed to remove tartar (hardened plaque) and clean under the gumline and tooth roots. Click here to find out how dentists treat gingivitis.

So, How Long Does It Take For Gum Disease To Go Away?

It all depends on how advanced your gum disease is. If you are dedicated to daily self care your can cure gingivitis can go away in as little as 2-3 weeks. Those with advanced gum disease may find that it takes several months to get the disease under control, and the symptoms to go away. The key to quickly getting rid of gum disease is being dedicated to your oral health routine. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can Gum Disease Ever Be Cured? 

Gingivitis can be reversed, it can be healed. Periodontitis can’t be cured it is a chronic inflammatory disease that can be controlled. 

How Long Does Gingivitis Last?

Gingivitis can be reversed in 2-3 weeks with dedicated daily self-care – but if not treated it quickly turns into periodontitis, as you will have read above, the damage caused by the disease cannot be reversed, but you can stop it from getting any worse. 

Can You Live A Full Live With Gum Disease?

You can live a full life if your gum disease is kept under control. If you don’t treat it you are at risk of bad breath, loose wobbly teeth and gum recession. This can affect your self-confidence and affect how you eat and speak. This may prevent you from living life to the full. 

What’s The Quickest Way To Get Rid Of Gum Disease?

The quickest way to get rid of gum disease is to develop and maintain a daily routine where you commit to your oral hygiene.

Sharon Fyles image

Written by Sharon Fyles

Periodontitis Expert & Writer

Sharon Fyles, BSc (Hons, SW), MSc, Dip,  is a Manchester-based expert dental writer specialising in periodontal diseases and their treatment.


Medically Reviewed and Verified by Dr. Gareth Edwards BDS (Hons), MFDS (RCPS Glasgow)

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